
Playing The Playing: Why You To Start Playing The Instrument 

Today we bring you good reasons to start studying piano now! Check it out below or visit to learn more.

1- Playing The Piano Improves Body And Brain Motor Coordination

Who plays the piano exercises the body and mind. Playing the piano requires overall body posture; this includes trunk support, a straight spine, and correct alignment of arms and forearms. When playing the piano, you exercise ambidexterity, which is the independence of your hands, when you can play something of quality with either your right or left hand, regardless of whether you are right-handed or left-handed, which significantly improves motor coordination.

In addition to posture, there is coordination between hands, eyes, and brain because the pianist needs to see and read the score, assimilate, interpret its rhythm and give life to what is written, all in a fraction of a second, in which the chords will be transformed in gestures and those gestures and music.

2- Playing The Piano Reduces Stress

First, piano means “slow” in Italian; this will make sense to you next. Of all the instruments, the piano is known for having the most soothing sounds. Scientific studies have proven that playing the piano is good for health as it calms, alleviates anxieties, and controls stress. In addition, playing the piano provides pleasure and respiratory control, improving quality of life and providing satisfaction and fulfillment.

3- Playing The Piano Improves Cognitive Skills

Research has proven that playing an instrument “change” the human brain structure to amplify its capabilities. For example, music has already been used in therapies to improve memory capacity. In other words, playing the piano improves intellectual skills and spatiotemporal skills. Playing the piano requires a lot of concentration, which is rare with the fast pace of everyday life.

4- Playing The Piano Leads To Discipline

Playing the piano such as Schimmel professionally can take years. You will need patience and focus as it is a long-term learning tool. The basic piano learns quickly, but more complex works require years of practice, and practice requires regularity and discipline. Every day you must study to achieve the quality you want, which goes for other areas of your life.

  1. Help In Socialization

You don’t even know how to play or think about playing an instrument, but you already socialize with admirers of that musical style, that singer or band, that instrument that draws attention. In music, socialization is very present; exchanging knowledge and experiences is perfect for a musician. Be he a shy apprentice in the musical environment who can only socialize if he plays? Music is capable of that, of creating these bonds, these unimaginable relationships. As? With your art, that art that makes a family or group of friends gather around a musical instrument.

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